Sustaining Fishermen in Sustainable Fisheries

Making a living in BC’s commercial fishing industry has never been easy – doing so safely has been equally challenging. 

With this history and reality in mind, Fish Safe is pleased to launch its new video Sustaining Fishermen in Sustainable Fisheries, a video that showcases important elements of BC’s current wild capture commercial fisheries and the people who participate in them. 

Click here to watch the full video.

With a new crop of young fishermen entering the workforce, our video also profiles individuals who are wholly invested not only in the business of making a living fishing in a sustainable manner, but also in safety and the practices required to help ensure a safe return home.  Seeing how Fish Safe and programs like the Safest Catch are helping BC fishermen to prepare for the risks they face while on the water is a main feature of the video as well.

So whether you’re looking for a job, interested in Fish Safe’s various safety initiatives, or simply just keen on watching the BC commercial fishing industry in action, this video’s for you!  We hope you enjoy it.

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