Fishing Risks
Vessel Stability
Understanding the stability characteristics of your vessel is one of the most fundamental responsibilities of any skipper or vessel owner.
Commercial fishing presents some of the greatest risks to vessel stability given the reality of taking on loads at sea. Changes in weather and sea states as well as the use of cranes and booms also contribute to the complexity.
Fortunately, today’s commercial fisherman has a wealth of valuable vessel stability tools available to him!
Fish Safe’s mission is to give fishermen the tools and knowledge they need to manage stability threats. This page provides handy references to help accomplish that objective.
There is no substitute for education and Fish Safe’s stability course is an essential step to building your fishing street cred. Find out more about our upcoming Stability Courses here.
Quick reminders and tips about vessel stability are provided here:
adequate stability and safety guidelines for fishing vessels
guidelines for fishing vessel major modifications or a change in activity

9 Steps to improve the stability of your commercial fishing vessel
Commercial fishermen know vessel stability is important, but what's most important to know? Whether you fish on a large or small vessel, this video has valuable information and discusses 9 steps to increase the operational stability of your vessel.